Expand the range of


Relationship Systems Coaching

“I help relationship systems—individuals, couples and teams—see their potential and find the courage to grow there.”

— Judy Vernick, PhD, PCC, PMP®




Powerful alone. Exponential together.

“Being in right relationship is essential to wellbeing. It helps us make sense of things.”

—Judy Vernick

About Coaching
Judy Vernick - Founder and owner of Pittsburgh-based Quantum Leap Coaching.
Quantum Leap Coaching


If the global pandemic has revealed nothing else, it’s that none of us are immune to change and relationships matter, now more than ever.

We’re in a constant state of emergence. Though we may resist and cling to what we know, we grow and endure because we can change. It’s the perfect time to rethink, reframe and redefine how we lead and innovate.

Through relationship we expand our range of possibility and experience. We find new ways to see and be at choice. And the way to better relationship is conversation.

Conversation opens us to simpler, smarter, more sustainable ways to see what’s available, and make a conscious choice for something better.

What brought you here is evidence you’re looking for a different way. I want to help you arrive where you want to go next. Let’s start the conversation.

About Judy Vernick